Tag: being an entrepreneur

Real Talk on Work, Wife and Mom Life in a Pandemic

Real Talk on Work, Wife and Mom Life in a Pandemic

Hi friends, I wanted to share some words of inspiration with you all as we doggie paddle our way through a pretty momentous change in the way we live, work, feed ourselves/families, connect with friends, workout, shop, and well, there’s nothing really untouched by COVID-19. […]

5 Simple Ways to Bring your Team Together

5 Simple Ways to Bring your Team Together

Being in charge comes with a lot of responsibility. You’ve got to see both the big picture and the small details. You’ve got to have a vision for where you are going, even if your team can’t see it themselves. You’ve got to KNOW what’s […]

I’m a Yaysayer, not a Naysayer

I’m a Yaysayer, not a Naysayer

I said this to my brother the other day, it just popped into my head, while we were talking about me buying this computer I’m currently typing on through our business together, instead of me buying it personally. Here’s the thing, do you just say the […]